Raluca travelled to Birmingham to attend the 7th and final Organic.Lingua project meeting, which took place at the new, state-of-the-art Central Library of Birmingham between the 15thand 17th of January. The meeting was a great opportunity for partners to visit some of the ‘hidden treasures’ of the Library, such as Shakespeare’s Memorial Room and the Secret Garden, where a copy of the First Folio dated 1623 can be found.
During the meeting sessions, partners presented the work developments in each WP and demoed the re-engineered Organic.Edunet portal and Organic.Lingua components created during the lifespan of the project. In view of the 3rd and final project Review, which will take place in Luxembourg this April, the partners also discussed meeting preparations and finalized the agenda for the Organic.Lingua Closing Workshop and Public Pilot Trial, launching next month. More information about the two events will be made available soon on the Project Website, so stay tuned for updates!