Data fuels Smart Services

Open Data Services
Open Data holds huge promise for governments every where… but is often easier said than done.
What datasets to open first?
How to store?
Which licences to use?
How to protect privacy?
How to maintain accuracy?
Who to engage?
Whats the business case?
Our team brings in depth expertise from working with more than 125 cities to answer these questions.

Linked Data Services
Linked data is good practice coined by Sir Tim Berners Lee - founder of the internet - for ensuring data is easily exposed and shared across the web... but what does this mean for your organistion.
What are the benefits?
What standards to use?
How to publish?
How to find data?
What can I do with linked data?
Our team helps you make your data easily reusable with a wide variety of innovators across the web.

Big Data Services
Big Data is about combining large data sources to drive business intelligence and insights about your operations... but getting started can be daunting.
What data do you actually have?
What technology to use?
How to store the data?
What is Hadoop?
How to make better decisons?
Our team helps you choose and implemement a strategic solution for harnessing, managing and understanding your data to drive business benefits.